Saturday, January 15, 2011

Announcing the whims of a kid called the mind

For the last few months I have been regularly conversing with you through this blog. Prior to that it was an introspective zone, a self-reflexive writing of sorts. Then, whether I write a post in a week or in a month did not bother me. But now, since you take time off your busy schedules to peek into this thought zone of mine, I feel it to be my responsibility to communicate with you the current state of affairs, which is the absence of an 'actual' blog post for exactly a week (The last 'actual' post was Learning the elements: Water on last Saturday).

Such days as these are not new. And unfortunately are not few either. On these days, if I had the habit of chewing a pencil while thinking, I would have needed several packets of pencils each  such day. On these days, the mind is in a limbo. It is un-rested, always in a continuous state of agitation. While on the pro-writing days, I step out of bed in the morning with an idea or a thought (an inspiration of sorts, for the entire day); on such black-listed days when no writing happens, I wake up grudging against the need to have morning tea. The inspiration is not only lost, it seems it never was. Even if I do not spell out another word, I guess, you understand what these days are like to me. Frustration oozes out in every sphere. The hopeless realisation at the end of the day that not a worthwhile or a worthless word have been framed during the course of the day! It is disturbing. 

But then, you don't always drive a car in the top gear. I try not to pressurise my mind. It is a playful thing. It is like a kid. May be it is not in the mood of playing now. I will have to wait till it feels good and is ready for the acrobatics of the word-games I play. Till then, dear friends and readers, bear with me. 

I will share with you all the little words and phrases or images that pop-up in books or paintings or in the clouds. That is, if I happen to see them.    

waiting for the light

Image: an unlit lamp, Salzburg castle, Austria. By self.


Sandipan Roy said...

Even Sachin Tendulkar takes the longest journey of his life...the journey from his colosseum the 22 yards pitch to the pavilion with a duck.This happens.All days are not sundays.Relax...its life and everything is the part of this game.The best is yet to come.Cheers!

Susmita said...

Thanks for the support Sandipan

sup said...

I guess it is not easy to answer this question - "do we write for others or do we write for ourselves?". I guess a binary "for self / for others" kind of answer is not possible. oi je robi thakur bole gyachen "gahite hobe gaan duijone". a blog is both introspection as well as active communication with readers. So i guess u r right- just as an author has a right to take a break, a regular reader also has some superficial right to ask "porer kisti kothay lekhika mahodoya?" :-)

Susmita said...

@sup: eto demand thakle ki aar supply kom korle cholbe, tai ese gechhi :)